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Main Characters

Step into the murky world of Astalor, where characters navigate the gray edges of morality, their destinies intertwined in a grim dance of power, betrayal, and survival.


Dark Elf

Drusniel, a young dark elf from a noble lineage, harbors a blend of naivety and an unyielding thirst for potent magic. His eyes, filled with youthful eagerness, contrast starkly against his dusky complexion. Every utterance and gesture exudes an earnest desire for power.

Half-Orc King

Korgath Nargul, the half-orc king, is a force to be reckoned with. His imposing stature speaks of his orc blood, while the calculating gleam in his eyes reveals his human cunning. Battle scars adorn his skin, a testament to his prowess as a warrior. When Korgath speaks, his deep voice demands obedience. He rules with a unique blend of orcish ferocity and human strategy, earning both terror and admiration from his subjects.

Alchemist Goblin

Skrizek, a goblin alchemist of cunning intellect and dubious morals, finds himself in the murky service of a necromancer. Within the shadowed confines of a dank laboratory, Skrizek concocts potions and poisons that blur the line between life and death. His small, nimble fingers are as adept with a flask as they are with the darker arts, a testament to his unorthodox but effective methodologies. His loyalty to his necromancer master is as volatile as his concoctions, fueled by a mix of fear, ambition, and a perverse fascination with the forbidden.

Dark Elf

Zaelar Te'sarran, a powerful drow wizard, resides in a secluded tower known for its extensive dungeons. Rumors suggest he's one of the few to have entered Wyrmreach and returned. His presence commands attention, hinting at dark secrets and ancient power. His eyes, reflecting knowledge of distant realms, stand out in his inscrutable face. From his tower, nestled in dangerous terrain, Zaelar pursues arcane studies, exploring truths most fear to consider.

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