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Magic in Astalor
Magic in Astalor
May 15, 2021
2 min

Magic isn’t commonplace. It’s a treasure. A burden. A gift bestowed upon few. Mages walk a precarious path, wielding power that’s as dangerous as it is wondrous.

The Elemental Foundations

At magic’s core lie four elements: water, fire, earth, and air. Each mage masters one. Some grasp a related element. But opposites remain forever out of reach. No mage commands both water and fire, or earth and air. It’s a fundamental law, unyielding and absolute.

The Art of Spellcasting

Casting a spell? It’s no simple task. It demands utmost concentration. Precise timing. Perfect intonation.

“Casting a spell is no simple feat. Mages must concentrate their minds, drawing intricate magical runes in their thoughts while uttering the incantations with precise timing and intonation. Even the slightest mistake can have disastrous consequences, making the practice of magic a high-risk endeavor.”

One misstep can spell disaster. Magic is unforgiving. It rewards precision and punishes carelessness.

Nature’s Role in Magic


Words and thoughts alone don’t make a spell. Physical components are crucial. Herbs and essences enhance. But stones? They’re the true key. They unlock a mage’s full potential.

Yet these stones are rare. Precious. Fleeting.

“However, they are not easy to come by. The raw stones must be carefully examined, and only a precious few contain the essence needed to cast spells. Once a suitable stone is found, it can only be used once before its power is exhausted, crumbling into dust or shattering into useless fragments.”

Use a stone, and it’s gone. Turned to dust or useless shards. This scarcity shapes Astalor’s magical landscape. Some regions overflow with certain magics. In others, they’re mere myths. Mage guilds rise, vying for control of valuable deposits.

Divine Favor and Magic

There’s another path to power: the favor of the gods. Through devotion and prayer, mages can amplify their magic. But gods are fickle. Demanding. The rewards are great, but so are the risks.

The Price of Power


As mages grow, casting becomes easier. More powerful. But the cost never truly fades. Overuse leads to exhaustion. Insanity. Even death. And magic attracts attention - from rivals, supernatural entities, or those who fear its power.

The Eight Schools

Magic in Astalor isn’t a cure-all. It’s a tool. Elusive. Demanding. Eight schools exist, each with its own strengths and challenges:

  1. Hydromancy (Water): The art of flowing and adapting. Includes healing, purification, and manipulation of liquids.
  2. Ignimancy (Fire): The discipline of passion and transformation. Covers combat magic, energy manipulation, and purification through flame.
  3. Geomancy (Earth): The study of stability and growth. Encompasses protection magic, physical enhancement, and manipulation of stone and plant life.
  4. Ventomancy (Air): The practice of freedom and intellect. Involves weather control, enhancing speed, and manipulating gases.
  5. Necromancy: The controversial art of life, death, and undeath. Focuses on communicating with spirits, manipulating life force, and reanimation.
  6. Omencraft: The discipline of unveiling hidden truths. Covers scrying, prophecy, and gleaning knowledge from otherworldly sources.
  7. Evocation: The practice of calling forth the unseen. Involves summoning entities, creating objects from magical energy, and teleportation.
  8. Miragery: The art of bending reality. Encompasses creating false sensory experiences, manipulating perceptions, and veiling the truth.

Each path offers unique powers. Unique trials. Mages must choose wisely, for their choice shapes their destiny.

Magic is no trifling matter. It’s a force of nature. A divine gift. A dangerous art.




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Magic in Astalor


The Hooded Oracle

Table Of Contents

The Elemental Foundations
The Art of Spellcasting
Nature's Role in Magic
Divine Favor and Magic
The Price of Power
The Eight Schools

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